A bushel and a peck!
What a beautiful day for apple picking! We loved starting this new family tradition together. It wasn't what you'd expect, being an hot and sticky 90 degrees in the middle of fall, but it was a fantastic day! All together, we picked 3 bushels of apples (meaning 6 of the largest bags available) and ate almost as many along the way. The kids learned very quickly that the best ones are already on the ground, which was great for the little ones who had a hard time reaching the ripe ones still on the trees. It is a great experience seeing all four of our kids working together, laughing and enjoying the moment. The apples all went to good use. We now have an abundance of homemade applesauce, apple jam and apple butter canned and stacked away. It was a wonderful day filled with incredible memories. We all can't wait to do it again next year!