The Meat Birds Have Arrived

It was an exciting day for all of us here on the farm last Wednesday. The first batch of meat birds finally arrived. No one was more excited than Iasbelle to see the new chicks. She really loves when we get new babies. She is a great helper when it is time to set up their brooding boxes. She enjoys filling the waterers and pouring the food into the feeders. It's almost as cute to watch her sweep up the mess she makes as it is to watch her care for these little cuties. Earlier this week, she helped the big kids and I transfer them from the small boxes here in the house into the big brooders in the barn. These little ones won't stay tiny for long. In 6-8 weeks they will be ready to go. We are excited to be able to start delivering the roasters on July 1st.


Couple works to learn history of historic Mason home


Inch by Inch, Row by Row